A Sweet Sweet Word

Last Friday my daughter Gina and I met at Loyola early, very early and proceeded to get all the tests my oncologists had ordered. MRI, tumor biopsy, CT scan and a bone scan, which took the whole day. Fortunately, I had gone the day before to get the digital mammogram.

Wednesday morning was the day for the results and consult. Ron went for a walk early and continued to pray and my son Phil met us at Loyola. Two years ago Phil’s lightening speed on the blackberry made it possible for him to take down every word of our conversation when we met with the oncology team. His fingers were ready.

Again, I was at great peace. I had many, many people storming heavens gates. My former Pastor Steve in Morris, Marty and Carol prayed with Ron and me Sunday, as Pastor Steve anointed and prayed for healing. Loved ones close to me fasted and prayed and the peace continued.

One of the most unexpected and touching prayers came from my eight year old twin niece and nephew, Lori and Jay. Ron had called to speak with his sister, but Lori answered the phone. She said, “Uncle Ron, how is Auntie Wanda?” He told her that I was hanging in there. She then said,” will you tell her that I am praying for her and mom told us we have to pray a certain way.” Jay, not to be left out, jumped on the phone and said, “I’m praying too Uncle Ron, the whole family is praying.”

The next time Ron spoke with his sister, he asked her what Lori meant. She told him,” I always tell the kids when they pray, to pray in Jesus name.”  I called to tell Sally to thank the twins for their prayers. She told me that every night since they heard, Jay and Lori would go together in Jay’s room where he has a little prayer stand that he made, with all his prayer books and they would pray for me not to be sick. It doesn’t get any more precious than that.

When the oncologist entered the room, she sat down, and said, with little emotion, “every thing is fine.”  That actually wasn’t processing. After a moment I asked, “are you telling me the tumors are benign?” She said,” yes.” I reminded her that last week you were sure the cancer had returned and the breast surgeon was advising me to leave the smaller tumor in place to see how it reacted to chemo.” She said, “I know we are both surprised by this, we have had emails going back and forth. I asked her if she was sure she had the right person and the right tests. She indicated that was something they looked at very carefully as well. There is no cancer anywhere in your body.

Tears welled up for all of us; actually, Ron had to step out of the room. Phil’s fingers were silent. We sat in amazement at the good news. As we stepped out of the office, my best friend Judy was walking toward us. I looked at her and said, “it’s benign.” We hugged, we cried, we laughed. We all stood around talking for a few minutes about getting a second opinion. Sounds good, second opinion, lunch, perhaps a little shopping. Living life, how sweet that sounds.

Ron and I went by my moms and had lunch with her and my brother, celebrating the good news. My sister told me from the beginning, “your cancer is not back,” she believed that with her whole heart. Things like this are particularly hard on her and my son Sam because they live in other states. But through technology and Skype, it’s like I have them right here. They may not can physically hold my hand or be with me but their love and prayers transcend time and space and I can feel them always holding my heart.

As we drove home, I kept telling Ron about the amazing peace I had all week and I wondered if all of this was for someone else. As if God was saying, “I have to take you through something for a short period but I’m going to hold you and give you peace.” I did exactly what I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me all week and I left the rest with Him.

We may never know this side of heaven the answer to, “Why?” We can know this side of heaven that God is sovereign and in control. Would I be writing something different if the cancer was back? No. As one cancer survivor and friend said, “God is good all the time.” We never know what a day or moment will bring, it is important, it is imperative where we stand with Christ.

I have been trying all week to get ready for a wedding for this week-end in St. Louis ~ dress, jewelry, shoes. I had other things occupying my time and wasn’t sure if I really felt like dancing but we were going to help celebrate this young couple’s new beginning.
I have to say nothing like the sweet word, BENIGN, to get me looking for my dancing shoes. 

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for all your prayers and love and Carpe Diem, we only have the promise of right now.

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