
A king once offered a prize to the artist who could best paint a picture of peace. Many artists submitted their work, and from them the king selected two pictures he was quite fond of. “I shall choose between these,” the king announced.

In the first scene was a calm, undisturbed lake surrounded by tall serene mountains. Overhead was a tranquil blue sky with beautiful puffy, white clouds. It looked liked the beautiful representation of peace.

The second picture had mountains in it as well. But these mountains were rugged and harsh. Above the mountains was a murky, dark sky filled with rain that beat down on all below. Stark lightning bolts streaked through the sky. The depiction did not seem peaceful at all.

But when the king stared more closely at the picture, he saw a tiny green bush at the side of the dark mountain. Inside the bush the artist portrayed a mother bird building her nest, sheltered from the raging storm around her.

The king unhesitatingly selected the second picture as the winner.

The king explained his reasoning:”Peace does not have to be where there is no noise, confusion, or trouble. The real meaning of peace is existing in the midst of turmoil and still holding hope and contentment in your heart.” Author Unknown

“My peace I give to you… A peace that truly surpasses all understanding.” Author Christ

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