Karen Marzano-Her2 Positive- Breast Cancer Survivor.

Hello, I want to first express my appreciation to Wanda for her wonderful work, love and faith that she gives with this ministry to breast cancer patients.

This is my story:  Although this may start out somewhat disappointing, I have found a bright light in all this.

I found a lump myself this April 2013. I went to a new gynecologist who dismissed it as a cyst and said that cancer doesn’t hurt. This tumor hurt and burned.  Although I scheduled a mammogram, this doctor’s lack of interest and his lack of follow up to my phone messages, cost me 5 weeks of time.  I was not concerned that it was serious because of his dismissive behavior. When I went for a mammogram, I was then asked to do an ultrasound.  I then got the concerning news from the radiologist – that it was most likely cancer.   (I never spoke to this gynecologist again…as he obviously was not interested.)

After going to 3 hospitals for opinions, doing hundreds of hours of my own research with my husband – we also had finally chosen a surgeon. I was diagnosed with E/P negative, Her-2 equivocal breast cancer.

What I’ve learned is that you have to be your own Advocate and not be dismissed – or bullied by any hospital or doctor.  Cancers and doctors are not all the same.   I chose a surgeon who was not pushy, had a gentle demeanor, but an excellent reputation.

(Please note that the next lines are completely my own opinion and a patient needs to do whatever she feels comfortable to maintain her own breast health.)   My surgeon had guessed this lump had been there for a number of years.  I asked my radiologist why so many years of mammograms had never found this lump.  She replied that mammograms are low quality imaging.   What is NOT told you is that the most accurate method of checking breasts for tumors are ultrasound or thermo gram scans….and if necessary, MRI. If you are doing  mammograms, you still need to check yourself.

Of things you can do yourself – that I’ve learned these past several months – is  putting your faith first,  positive thinking and how your diet plays a gigantic role in this.

What the doctors don’t tell you is that your diet and your lifestyle carve out your health…or lack of it.  Although I exercised and took tons of supplements, I was addicted to sugar and loved the ease of eating mostly processed foods.

If I cannot read or pronounce the ingredients on a nutrition label, I now put it back on the shelf. After looking at the dangers of the chemicals in processed foods and also now knowing that cancer cells thrive on sugar,  I immediately went on a macrobiotic/ vegan diet.   This cleansed me for several weeks, however, I am a person who needs meat in their diet, so I have added meat back in my diet.

We prepare all our own food now and have the advantage of knowing what’s in it.   My husband and I eat only organic produce now, organic or hormone/antibiotic free chicken and sometimes grass-fed beef.  I have replaced my milk with almond milk, as well.  The main part of my diet is produce,  healthy grain (not wheat) and some  meat.   I am temporarily drinking only alkaline water as well.   Cancer needs an acidic body to survive.  It is possible to balance the PH levels in your body to lower these acid levels through your diet and supplements.

Many say that they cannot afford organic food…can you afford not to? If you choose organics, you not only avoid the pesticides, but the food value of organic food almost triples over conventional produce.  This is proven.  And your immune system maximizes all this wonderful energy from your organic food.  Also, it is said that pesticides can stay in the body for years…how is that beneficial to you?

I also had a high stress career, which drags down an immune system.  I have a business, but have gone to the semi-retired status so I can relax.  And I know that a positive mind is mandatory for recovery.   Your brain/mind controls the chemical balances in your body.   And if you believe you will recover, you can.  We all know that the cancer treatments get you started on your recovery, but your own immune system has to do the actual healing.

I also use a naturopathic doctor for immune therapy.  I believe (and you may not) in detoxing,  eating mostly alkaline foods, (with lots of greens and green shakes), taking the correct supplements…to help your immune system.

Keeping positive and staying in the Faith is optimum.  This is a wonderful foundation of healing.  We have all had people say inappropriate things to us, when people think they are consoling you – as a newly diagnosed cancer patient.  I shrug these things off and stay away from negative-thinking people.  Of course, this seems selfish to avoid people like this, but getting strong in mind, spirit and body is the first order of business.  I think of myself as healthy,I have lost 20 pounds and my attitude is the best it’s been in years.

Others reading this may be light years ahead of me with their recovery, but if this can help at least one person in some way, this is my wish.   To sum up the above, if you have recovered from cancer, but you do not change your diet or lifestyle, I think this is when cancer can reoccur.  If you make your body to not be a welcome place for cancer to return, it most likely will not.  This is the goal I am working on.

I know that the ultimate surgeon/healer is the Lord God above.  The peace He delivers is immeasurable.  He chose “US” for this – for a reason….

Karen Marzano



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